Tuesday, July 21, 2015

How to deal with all kinds of problems when you are in an interracial relationship?

When you are dating your girlfriend or boyfriend from different race,  every one meets all kinds of problems have arisen from interracial relationship outside of normal relationship conflicts. For example, cultural clashes, socioeconomic differences, family disapproval or social pressure. If problems arose, how did the couples resolve them.

I meet my girlfriend on free interracial dating sites. I have got together with her for two years and there are acouple things that were different. I noticed much more people would stare at us, especially Black men. In the area where we live many White people date Black people so it wasn't like we were shunned and we never had anyone say anything straight up racist to us. But I did notice when people would stare at us. Once we walked by a group of Black college students and one of them was like "Oh look an interracial couple" for some reason I got really upset about that, I felt like they were talking about us like we were a zoo attraction.

 interracial dating sites
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying black people disapproved of our relationship more, in fact it's statistically proven that Blacks support interracial dating more than White people do. I just felt sometimes that maybe because I was a white guy dating a black girl it was more of a rare thing to see. I ALWAYS see white women with black men but not so much vice versa.

I don't have a race preferences, and I don't date girls based on race. I date girls based on personality and values they have. I really didn't like people thinking I was a white dude with jungle fever dating any black girl he could get his hands on. If my ex were White, Asian, or Hispanic I would have been just as attracted to her, and I felt that was very ignorant for White people to say tome. 

As for family... yeah she kept me a secret from her family for about a year. She came from an African family that was also Muslim, I come from a Brazilian family that is Catholic, my ex was scared that her father would disapprove. When she finally introduced me her Mother was SUPER nice to me, she really liked me and so did her little brother, but her dad not so much haha. But I think that was more because I was a guy who was dating his little girl and NOT because I was white.

She's my ex for a reason but none of it has to do with race or culture, we had the typically relationship problems every couple has and we broke up for reasons that every typical couple breaks up for.

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